All students and their parents are expected to treat instructors, other parents and other students with respect and courtesy at all times. Failure to comply with this rule will result in dismissal and forfeit of tuition paid.
Dance Branson is not responsible for items lost, stolen or damaged in the studio. A lost and rarely found box is located in the back of hallway 1.
Please be sure to check your emails, the studio bulletin board, front desk, and socials regularly for important information and handouts. Please provide the studio office with a correct email and cell number to better ensure you receive information. Also, please sign up for the text alerts through REMIND. To sign up, simply text @entirestu to 81010. We will do our very best to keep you up to date, so please help us by checking for information.
Class placement is at the teacher’s discretion. Not all students will move up a level every year. Some students will remain in the same class level for two years or more depending on their development. We would be happy to set up a meeting if you have questions regarding placement. The final decision will be based on what the teacher thinks will benefit the student the most. We ask that you trust and respect our decisions.
We politely ask that everyone limit time spent in the lobby area to keep areas for student use. All dancers should remain in the lobby until their teacher is ready for class to begin. In order to somewhat social distance, dancers should change into appropriate dance attire and shoes, use the restroom and eat before class begins. Children under 7 years may not be left in the lobby unattended, and absolutely NO RUNNING ANYWHERE throughout the studio. All food and drink should remain in the lobby. Absolutely NO food or drink allowed in the dance rooms or dressing room. Water in the bottle with lid only. Please clean up after your dancers and do not leave trash and food laying around.
ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED IN THE DANCE ROOMS. Only water in a closed container will be permitted. NO cell phones will be allowed in class. No students allowed in rooms without a teacher present. No "playing" in studios before classes.
If your student is running a fever or is feeling sick, the student should not attend classes. There will be NO REFUNDS for missed classes. Students may take make up classes when returning to studio. ​
No one will be allowed in dance rooms during class with the exception of scheduled visitors week. Please inform your teacher if someone different will be picking up your child. We will not let children leave with unknown adults.
Please do not drop your student off more than 10 minutes before any class. Students must remain inside the lobby after class and watch for parents through the doors; they are not allowed to wait outside. Parents must either come inside, or park near the front entrance for pick up and drop off.
Dance Branson is not responsible for children who visit nearby restaurants, businesses or any other part of the shopping complex. Students will not be allowed to leave the dance studio to go to these places without parent permission.
Please encourage your child to use the restroom before class, as doing so during class time is distracting and takes away from their learning potential.
In case of inclement weather, Dance Branson will send out timely notices. Please check your texts, email and/or the Dance Branson Facebook page for information regarding class cancellations. Evening classes will be determined by road conditions and weather reports. Missed classes due to inclement weather may be made-up by taking a similar class on another day/time. All classes are allotted one cancellation before a makeup class will be scheduled.